What to do when HP Printer cannot print From a Mobile Phone?
Typ inzerátu | Hráč hledá klub |
Sport | Footbag |
Region | Chrudim |
Vložil | Nancy Pointing, 4. 2. 2019, 6:55 |
Telefon | 8 552 415 405 |
Text inzerátu | Since wireless printing has stepped into the market, it has taken the very good response from the people all over the world. Almost every company in the market has started working or came with wireless printing. In wireless printing, users can connect the printer with their mobile phone and use that. HP Printer also has various models in the market now, which you can connect with your mobile phone ie wirelessly. In order to provide a good quality service to HP customers , HP has started an HP Printer Customer Care , which is always reachable for HP Printer users, when they need any help related to the HP Printer. HP printers can be connected with both Android devices as well as iOS. But if you face any difficulty in that, then read this whole blog. HP Printer can not print From a Mobile Phone If you have connected HP Printer with your mobile phone and still it is not printing. Then there must be some technical issue, which you can fix by using these steps: Step 1. Check the Network connection on your mobile phone To check the network settings, go to the Wi-Fi settings because your mobile phone is connected with the printer using Wi-Fi. If you see any problem in the settings, then change it accordingly. Don’t forget to make sure that you have entered the correct Wi-Fi password. Step 2. Check the printer and network settings Ensure that your printer and the mobile device you are using is connected to the same Wi-Fi network. And ensure that your Printer is connected to power supply. Step 3. Check the cable connection Check the internet and Ethernet cable connection with Wi-Fi and Printer. Step 4. Use a suitable support application for printing and if the network connection is not uniform, then you should place the Wi-Fi router and printer closely. Step 5. The print support app you are using, go to the app settings and clear the caches and cookies that this app has created. HP Printer customer support service: Reach out to the HP Printer Customer Support Team , and talk to the expert team and get the exact solution of any technical issue with the HP Printer.
Original Blog https://www.printerservicenumber.com/what-to-do-when-hp-printer-cannot-print-from-a-mobile-phone/ Previous Blog How to install a HP printer driver on a Mac? |
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